
All-in-all people in Spokane are very kind and hospitable. It is a very safe city at most times of the day and there are no really bad neighborhoods to be advised of. That being said, Hillyard, the East Sprague red light district, and the west side area north of downtown are not great places to be alone at night. Also, use caution when walking through Riverfront Park or on the Centennial Trail at night.

tour guides

ROW Adventure Center- Rated as one of the "Best Adventure Travel Companies on Earth" by National Geographic this company offers whitewater rafting, kayaking, bike tours, hiking tours and fly fishing in and around Spokane, WA. You can book most trips online and they are very affordable. They have a Adventuer Center right downtown in Spokane, WA. You can also call: Toll Free: 800 451-6034.


Spokane is one of a few cities nationwide that has Wi-Fi access just about everywhere Downtown. The entire Downtown area is a Wi-Fi hotspot or an area where wireless Internet is provided free of charge 2 hours per day if your computer is equipped for Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, there's no free Wi-Fi at the airport yet, though the Boingo network daily fee after 20 mins. is available.

Germany (Honorary)

As of Sep 2010, the consul was in the process of being reassigned.